Now booking Mother' Day Mini's! $105 for 20 a min. session
These sessions are the perfect gift for all Mom's! These sessions will be so much fun and relaxing.
Book your session by contacting Diana at 765-753-0059 or email [email protected]
Now Booking Santa Mini sessions!
This Santa was so exceptional last year I for sure was booking him again this year!
Come let your kids enjoy the magical experience! He will jingle is bells as you come up the stairs, add your child/children to the nice list, read a book to them!
Contact Diana to book your session 765.753.0059 This will fill up...
Now booking Fall Mini's for Sept. 10th or Oct. 15th!
20 minute sessions
$100 kids only or $150 Families
5 edited digital images with print rights, 1-8x10 & 2-5x7